Plastic Floor 12

Product Info

  • Country: Taiwan
  • Place: School
  • Date: Nov 2013

One of the advantages of plastic floorings is their low maintenance requirements, making them a popular choice for busy homeowners. These floorings offer convenience and ease of upkeep, allowing homeowners to maintain a pristine appearance with minimal effort.

The smooth surfaces of plastic floorings make them easy to clean. Regular sweeping or vacuuming helps remove dust, dirt, and debris that can accumulate on the surface. This simple maintenance routine helps prevent scratches and keeps the floor looking clean and well-maintained.

In addition to easy sweeping, plastic floorings are resistant to stains and spills. The material used in their construction is designed to repel liquids, preventing them from seeping into the flooring and causing stains or damage. This is particularly beneficial in areas such as kitchens, dining rooms, or playrooms, where spills are more likely to occur. With plastic floorings, you can easily wipe away spills and stains with a damp cloth or mild cleaning solution, ensuring that the floor maintains its pristine appearance.


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